PSD will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable holiday!

PSD will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable holiday!

PSD will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable holiday!

PSD will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable holiday!

Hello OGMS parents and students! If your child has misplaced their glasses, we have quite the collection in the office. If you identify any of these, please send your student to the office to retrieve them. ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!

Due to circumstances out of our control, the PSD pageant will be held in the senior high gym instead of the auditorium. Please make sure to attend rehearsal so that you are familiar with the set up and arrangements. The Senior High Gym is located on the High School campus at 1701 West Court Street. Once you enter the parking lot look for the building with the round roof and enter through the glass doors that face the side of court street. Email jwallace@paragouldschools.net with any questions.

This weekend, OGMS, OGE, and PHS will be hosting the RamJAMboree Playday for our 3-6 grade basketball teams. These times are the last times this season that our teams can be seen playing, so come out and join us! Games begin at 9:00 am on February 1. There is a $5 entry fee for adults; entry is free for Paragould students and children 3 and under.
Please check the schedule for teams and game times.

There are currently six Paragould School District bus routes that will be impacted due to flooding concerns. We certainly understand that some students may need to be checked out early due to these concerns. Please watch for upcoming notifications for bus 5, 10, 74, 78, 86, and 90.

Call for photos: Our yearbook staff are in need of pictures of OGMS students from volleyball and basketball games! You can email photos to Mrs. Dinkins, our yearbook sponsor, at ndinkins@paragouldschools.net

The Great Kindness Challenge week is HERE! Here is a reminder for dress up days for this week!

1, 2, 3, 4! OGMS declares a PENNY WAR!
Is the change in your purse or your coin holder getting in your way? Have you been wishing for a way to clear off the spare change from your table or dresser? Boy, do we have great news for you!
As an extension of our Great Kindness Challenge, and as a tie in to this past weekend's Polar Plunge, OGMS is collecting pennies, nickels, and dimes this week! You can send the change in pockets, sandwich bags, or paper coin rolls.
All proceeds will go to help the Area 1 Special Olympics, AND they fuel this year's House competition!

Whoop whoop! Another event happening Saturday, January 25th is the Little Dancers Clinic put on by our PJHS and PHS Dance team. This event is open to all boys and girls in grades PK - 6th and is being held from 9:00am - 12:00pm at OGE. You can register at the door. Check out the details on the flyer here!

Saturday, January 25th is a busy day in Ram Nation and there is a little bit of something for everyone! 1) Join our Baseball and Softball teams for a FREE event at the PJHS gyms for the 3rd Annual Winterfest. All the details can be found on the PSD or Baseball/Softball Facebook pages AND on the flyer below. 2) Join the Paragould FFA students for a bbq lunch at 12pm at Oak Grove Middle School and stay for the auction! Many of our students have built items for the auction. You can check them all out on the Paragould FFA Facebook page. See the flyer below for more details. 3) Last but not least, several PSD teams will be taking the PLUNGE at the Paragould Polar Plunge at the Community Center. Plunging starts at 2:00pm. Come on out and cheer on our plungers! Details can be found on the flyer below.

Please note that school will be closed this coming Monday, January 20. Enjoy your long weekend,. We look forward to seeing you back in class on Tuesday, January 21.
Tenga en cuenta que la escuela estará cerrada Lunes 20 de enero. Disfruta de tu fin de semana largo, y esperamos verte de vuelta en clase el martes 21 de enero.
Jouj im kakemejmej wot bwe ilo Mande in tok, Janode 20th rnaj ejelok jikuul, leimonono ilo weekend in aetok. Im jenaj bar loe kom ilo Juje 21 raan.

The Miss PSD Pageant is scheduled for February 15th. The deadline to turn in your entry forms is January 31st. Detailed information can be found here and entry packets are available at all of our schools. Email Jennifer Wallace at jwallace@paragouldschools.net with questions.

Bus 74 and 92 will run snow routes on Wednesday, January 15 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.
Los autobuses 74 y 92 realizarán rutas de nieve el miércoles 15 de enero y sólo evitarán las zonas que no sean seguras para viajar. Las rutas de nieve se han publicado en el sitio web del Distrito. En el sitio web solo se enumeran las rutas de autobús modificadas. Todas las demás rutas serán normales.
Bus 74 im 92 renaj ettor ilo ial ko rejinno ilo Wenje, Janore 15 im reban bok ial ko rekauwatata nan ettor. Bus ko renaaj ettor wot ilo ial ko rejiņo bōtaab reban bōk ial ko rekauwōtata. Ial ko rejiņo emōj kalikkari ilo wepjait an jikuul kein. Bus ko wot me ewōr oktak ikijjeen ial ko aer wōt emōj kalikari ilo wepjait in. Ial ko jet an bus kein renaaj būk wōt imminene ko aer.

Buses will run snow routes on Tuesday, January 14 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.

Parents of 6th grade boys, this is for you!

English: PSD will be in session on Monday, January 13. Buses will run snow routes and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.
Español: PSD estará en sesión el lunes 13 de enero. Los autobuses circularán por rutas de nieve y solo evitarán áreas que no sean seguras para viajar. Las rutas de nieve se han publicado en el sitio web del Distrito. En el sitio web solo se enumeran las rutas de autobús modificadas. Todas las demás rutas serán normales.
Majol: Jikuul kein an PSD renaaj bar jeplaak im ijjino ilo Mandre, Jànwode 13 raan. Bus ko renaaj ettor wot ilo ial ko rejiņo bōtaab reban bōk ial ko rekauwōtata. Ial ko rejiņo emōj kalikkari ilo wepjait an jikuul kein. Bus ko wot me ewōr oktak ikijjeen ial ko aer wōt emōj kalikari ilo wepjait in. Ial ko jet an bus kein renaaj būk wōt imminene ko aer.

PSD will be closed Friday, January 10. AMI work is no longer required as a result of school closure due to inclement weather. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority and we believe this decision is necessary given the current conditions. We encourage everyone to stay safe and warm.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, PSD estará cerrado el viernes, 10 de enero. El trabajo de AMI ya no es necesario como resultado del cierre de las escuelas debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y el personal es nuestra máxima prioridad, y creemos que esta decisión es necesaria dadas las condiciones actuales. Animamos a todos a mantenerse a salvo y caliente.
Kon mejatoto in ak weather in, PSD enaj kilok ilju Bilade, Jan 10. Jerbal ko an AMI enaj jab bar komon ilo jikuul eo konke enaj kilok jikuul in kon mejatoto in ak weather in. Men eo elap an aurok nan kojbarok rijikuul im rikaki ro an jikuul in. Im kelet in ej komon ekar nan mejatoto in. Jej kajitok iben aolep bwe ren bed ijoko remenan im kejbarok wot.