If you are the parent of a home schooled child who resides in the Paragould School District and has/had an IEP in a public school setting, he or she may be eligible to receive equitable services through a service plan. There is a meeting being held to discuss this or you can contact Special Education Director, Stephanie Thomas at (870) 240-2294 ext 8006 with questions.
10 months ago, Paragould School District
Homeschool meeting for equitable services flyer
The Paragould School District offers virtual learning opportunities for qualified students in grades 7-12. The deadline for submitting applications for the spring semester is Wednesday, December 20th. Interested families may apply here: https://forms.gle/wL4JkiYyidY4ANBm6
10 months ago, Timothy Parrott
PSD Virtual Learning
JROTC is hosting the 2nd annual trick or treat event this Saturday, Oct. 28th. Due to the chance of rain, it will be held in the Paragould High School. Park in the main parking lot and enter through the main entrance. Open to the public and guaranteed to be SPOOKTACULAR!
11 months ago, Paragould School District
JROTC Trick or Treat flyer
Dyslexia is real. Dyslexia is common. Dyslexia is lifelong. There are ways you can help your students with dyslexia. Take a look at this week's dyslexia information. Tons of great information including dyslexia markers at different ages. #psdrams #1in5
11 months ago, Paragould School District
Dyslexia awareness facts
Signs of Dyslexia
Did you know there is a national blood shortage? Our PHS Key Club is doing their part by hosting a blood drive in the PHS gym on October 25th and they're asking you to help them out by donating. You'll get a free t-shirt, gift card, and most importantly, the chance to say you saved lives. Win, win, BIG WIN. This link will take you directly to the drive to schedule your appointment: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=ParagouldHS
11 months ago, Paragould School District
Blood Drive Information Sheet
T-shirt from the Red Cross
National Blood Shortage Announcement
Give blood and receive a free gift card
Letter to PHS parents to sign up kids for blood drive
Click the link below to watch the livestream of the homecoming ceremony happening today at 1:30pm. Go Rams! https://youtube.com/live/06L7njSoZXc?feature=share
11 months ago, Paragould School District
The Dig for the Cure Silent Auction is live NOW. Check out the amazing products by clicking the link below and place your bids. Auction closes at 11:59pm on October 5th. Thanks for your support! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551879997145&mibextid=LQQJ4d
11 months ago, Paragould School District
Homecoming and Dig for the Cure are next week (10/9 - 10/13). Check out all of the festivities we have planned and make plans to join us for the fun! Please note the dress up days are for all Rams (S21C - PHS). Let's see your spirit and as always, go Rams!
11 months ago, Paragould School District
Homecoming Weekly Schedule
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Tailgates and Touchdowns
Homecoming Art Contest
Congratulations to the 2023 Homecoming Court!
12 months ago, Paragould School District
Check out this big news from Little Rock~ Arkansas Peace Week recently hosted a Youth Art Contest. The contest was open to students in 1st - 12th grade and addressed the theme: “What does peace mean to you? Depict a more peaceful community in your art entry.” They received over 2,000 art entries from all over the state. Award winners were announced at an event at the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda on September 23rd and we are pleased to announce that our very own 7th grade Ram, Ada Chen, brought home FIRST PLACE! Congratulations Ada! Your Ram Family is proud of you!
12 months ago, Paragould School District
Ada Chen's award winning artwork
Ada Chen holding her award winning artwork
The Smoking Skulls Motorcycle Club recently donated $2,000.00 to the Paragould School District. We appreciate your support!
12 months ago, Nick Jankoviak
Smoking Skulls Image #2
Let's celebrate student and teacher success! Check out the attached invitation and if you can't join us in person, use the link below to watch the ceremony. https://youtube.com/live/LGRddaiXWcg?feature=share
12 months ago, Paragould School District
AP Scholars Awards
Tonight is "Blue Out" Ram Stadium for our game against Piggott! Coach Phillips is starting a new tradition called the "Ram Walk" Join us as our football players walk from the Field House to the South end of the football field where they will enter the run through tunnel. Fans can line the area along the Ram Walk (see photo) to cheer on the Rams. We invite students in Kindergarten through 12th grade to join us on the field for the Run Through. Students will enter the field through the small gate at the 50 yard line after the Ram Walk (see photo). See you tonight, Ram fans!
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Football game vs Piggott at Ram Stadium 7:00pm tonight. Wear blue!
This year's theme is "It Takes a Village". Today we are opening up the sale of theme shirts to all in our Ram village and that means YOU! Support the Rams and buy one before the shop closes on 8/21/23. Use the QR code on the flyer to order or check out the link on our website.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
It Takes a Village PSD shirt
The staff and students of the Paragould School District volunteered at the United Way's Stuff the Bus event today. We'd like to say thank you to the patrons of Paragould who generously gave to our students.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Did someone say COMMUNITY PEP RALLY? Oh yea, that was us! Join us for this first ever event at Ram Stadium on Friday, August 18th. The event is open to all Ram fans. It will have everything a pep rally should: food, games, bounce houses, booths to showcase our student clubs and organizations including our award winning Beta Club and PJHS Quiz Bowl, cheerleaders, dancers, introduction of fall and spring sports, a live performance by the Paragould Pride band, and it will end with FIREWORKS! The fun begins at 5:30 and ends at 9:00pm. See you there, Ram fans!
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Save the date for Community Pep Rally
Lot of important events and information in the photos below: *Open House Schedules (All schools) *K-6 School Supply Lists (7th - 12th graders will get a list by teacher at Open House but you can start with a backpack (no rollers), pencils, and earbuds/headphones) *Introducing "Rooms", our new parent/teacher chat feature. Download the PSD app today and watch for an email from EduRooms next week to join your student's class. This is for students in grades PK - 6th at this time. However, we encourage all families and friends of the Rams to download the PSD app for important information throughout the school year! *Did you move? Don't forget to let us know. We can't wait to see our Rams for the 2023-24 school year. The first day is August 14, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Open House Schedule all schools
K-1 School Supply List
2nd grade school supply list
3rd grade school supply list
4th grade school supply list
5th - 6th grade school supply list
Rooms Parent-Teacher Chat Tool
Did you move? Let us know.
Great news regarding parent-teacher communication coming from our PK-6 buildings! You've used the Paragould School District app to stay up-to-date on district and school news, events, and dining but now there's MORE! PSD will use Rooms, a parent-teacher chat, that is fully integrated into our app so you can see class specific announcements and to send/receive direct messages to your child's teacher. Download the PSD app today and be on the lookout for an email from EduRooms to get started.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Rooms - Parent/Teacher Chat
Your Paragould Rams will be at Walmart on West Kingshighway in Paragould on August 5th collecting items to STUFF THE BUS! All donated items stay right here in Greene County schools.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Stuff the Bus flyer
The Paragould School District is proud to continue offering a virtual learning option for qualified students in grades 7-12. If you are interested in applying to the PSD Virtual Academy for the 2023-24 school year, please complete the following form: https://forms.gle/g4rphXz9xwqJQcDVA Applications will be accepted until Tuesday, August 1. GO RAMS!
about 1 year ago, Timothy Parrott
Paragould Virtual Learning