At the conclusion of the marching band season, all high school students audition for their winter and spring band placements. The Paragould Band offers two performing ensembles that meet during eighth period in preparation for several concerts.
After the Spring Concert, the Paragould Symphonic & Concert Bands become one band, the Paragould Combined Concert Band, to perform at the Recruitment concert & at the PHS Graduation.
The Paragould Sr. High Symphonic Band consists of band members in the 9th-12th grade and is the top performing ensemble on the Paragould High School campus. The Symphonic Band performs four times per year: Christmas Concert, Region Concert Assessment, Pre-Assessment Concert, and on the Spring Concert. Symphonic Band members are expected to audition & qualify for All-Region each year & take lessons in the fall & spring. This group holds weekly sectionals, as well as full band rehearsals after school, starting in January each year. Additional rehearsals with clinicians & guest conductors are announced by the director. The Symphonic Band performs Grade IV-VI literature for Concert Assessment each year and nearly 100% of its membership qualify for All-Region Honor Bands.
The Concert Band performs four times per year: Christmas Concert, Region Concert Assessment, Pre-Assessment Concert, and Spring Concert. Concert Band members are expected to audition for All-Region each year & take lessons in the fall & spring. This group rehearses once a week after school each spring, with some additional rehearsals with clinicians & guest conductors, as announced by the director.