Let your teacher know how much they mean to you next week as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! #teacherappreciationweek
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Teacher Appreciation Week
Upcoming Dates and Events
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Important Dates
Congratulations to DJ Carter, Hayden Dunn, Laker King, and Braxton Seymore for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
2nd Grade Boot Camp has officially started! #bootcamp #secondgrade #testprep #funreviews #skillsergeants
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Boot Camp
Boot Camp
Boot Camp
Congratulations to Faith Adams, Chloe Bradley, Braelyn Moya, and Bella Williams for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Congratulations to Nora Cline, Joshua Orr, Armani Sanders, and Taysha Addison for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
2nd grade is busy preparing for their state test "boot camp" style. They are reviewing skills with games, physical activity, and whole group activities based on what skills their students need help with. Students are going on 20 missions this week before they graduate boot camp! #StarTesting #bootcamp #secondgrade #hardwork #academicachievement #skillsreview
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
2nd Grade Boot Camp
Congratulations to our Baldwin Super Sharks! #baldwinBEthechange #supersharks #hardwork #greatbehavior
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Super Sharks
We are making amazing progress on our AR bulletin board! Our goal is to reach the treasure chest by Friday, May 14th! #baldwinBEthechange #treasureagoodbook #AR #reading
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to Andrew Holland, Kelsey James, Kelise Powell, and Lillian Threet for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Earth Day art by 3rd grader Natalie Pearson! #baldwinBEthechange #earthday #art #elementary #thirdgrade
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Earth Day Art
4th Grade Earth Day Activities #baldwinBEthechange #earthday
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Big thanks to Miranda Oliver in 2nd grade who took it upon herself to help pick up trash on our school campus! We so appreciate our students and their eagerness to always pitch in and help keep Baldwin beautiful! #baldwinBEthechange #earthday #cleanup
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Earth Day
Congratulations to Bella Reed, Brayden Carle, Kyson Rabah, and Chloe Newman for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Ms. Wendy's class has their first ladybug! #baldwinBEthechange #ladybug #scienceclass
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
A few of our Baldwin 2nd graders helped pick up trash on the playground Wednesday! We want to thank them for helping keep our school campus and planet clean! #baldwinBEthechange #earthday #goodcitizens
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Sweet Treat Day this Friday! 4/23
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
April 23rd
Congratulations to our Baldwin Super Sharks! #baldwinBEthechange #supersharks #hardwork #greatbehavior
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Super Sharks
Congratulations to Eddie Crosby, Chloe Burnett, Chastity Phillips, and Kylee Grimsley for meeting their AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Each day of testing, 3rd and 4th grade students can earn a ticket by being at school on time, ready to learn, and working hard on their ACT Aspire test. This ticket earns them a treat each afternoon and their name goes into a drawing for prizes each day! #baldwinBEthechange #actaspire #prizes #earnaticket
about 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire