Fall Mini-Break
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
No after school tutoring on Halloween.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
The high school band and cheerleaders came to Baldwin this morning to lead a pep rally in honor of Homecoming week. #baldwinBEthechange #paragouldhomecoming
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Flu Clinic
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Flu Shot Clinic 10/22
Baldwin Staff Spotlight: Meet Tessa Lancaster, our amazing Speech-Language Pathologist! #baldwinBEthechange
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Tessa Lancaster
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Mrs. Tonya's and Mrs. Rachel's classes enjoyed hearing Mr. Dustin Rumsey with Pay It Forward Paragould read the story Bully Beans. #baldwinBEthechange #secondgrade #readalouds
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Read Aloud
Read Aloud
Read Aloud
Read Aloud
As we prepare to celebrate Kindness Week here at Baldwin, we are reminding students what it means to be a good citizen. #baldwinBEthechange
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Fall Picture Retakes Tuesday!
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Picture Retakes Tuesday
Mrs. Rachel has started Lunch Meetings with her 2nd grade class. Each Thursday, she eats lunch with a group of students in their classroom! #thursdaylunchmeetings #baldwinBEthechange
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Thursday Lunch Meetings
Our Fall Fundraiser on Friday night was a huge success! Everyone had a great time at our Monster Mash Bash! Congratulations to Destiny Bailey for winning our costume contest! #monstermashbash
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Monster Mash Bash
Monster Mash Bash
Monster Mash Bash
Monster Mash Bash
Mrs. Kelly’s students are writing a book called All About Us. It will be published by Student Treasures Publishing. They have been working on their self portraits and autobiographies. #baldwinBEthechange
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Book Project
Book Project
Book Project
Book Project
1st Quarter Awards at Baldwin will be next Friday, October 18th.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
1st Quarter Awards
Mr. Kingston's class enjoyed Ree Drummond's picture book, Charlie Goes to School. They made a recipe from the book, Charlie's Favorite Strawberry Oatmeal Bars after reading the story! Yum! #baldwinBEthechange #cookwithabook
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Charlie Goes to School
Charlie Goes to School
Charlie Goes to School
Our students are constantly learning and part of their day is spent reading and working on comprehension skills. Take a look at how many words our kids have read since the start of the school year! Wow! We are so proud of our Baldwin students!
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Word Count
Just another reason Baldwin kids are THE BEST! They constantly look for ways to be kind, courteous, and helpful to others. #baldwinBEthechange #throwkindnessaroundlikeconfetti #kindnessmatters
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
KIndness Matters
Just a reminder: Please label your student's clothing (jackets, coats) with their name.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Cooler weather is approaching!
Follow Baldwin Elementary on Twitter! #baldwinrams1 #baldwinBEthechange
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Baldwin Twitter
Dig for the Cure event at PHS on October 3rd at 5 p.m. #wearpink
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Dig for the Cure on October 3rd at 5 p.m.
Baldwin held another Strive for 5 celebration today: Cookies and Cola with the Counselor! Students who have missed 5 or less days of school attended this special event on the playground. Attendance matters! #strivefor5 #baldwinBEthechange #attendancematters
over 5 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Strive for 5
Strive for 5
Strive for 5
Strive for 5