February 5, 2021
Please download the App and scan your receipt to give OGE Boxtop credit. This is a great way to earn free money for our school with the groceries you purchase.

July 24, 2020
Over the next few weeks, we'll be getting to know our new staff for 2020-21. Mr. Marcus Jones is the new principal at Oak Grove Elementary. Welcome, Mr. Jones!

July 22, 2020
The annual school supply donation event Stuff the Bus has gone virtual for 2020! Text "stuff" to 77000 or visit uwnea.org/stb to donate. Select Paragould Walmart for your donation...

May 22, 2020
Join us for an exciting Virtual Fun Field Day! Click here to begin.
May 13, 2020
OGE Families: Just a reminder that Friday is the last day to turn in AMI work in order for teachers to review for fourth quarter grades. Work can be turned in daily (7:30AM-4:00...
May 7, 2020
OGE Families: Tomorrow (Friday, May 8th) will conclude AMI work for the school year. No more work will be assigned. Students will have next week (May 11-15) to finish up and re...
April 30, 2020
OGE Families: PBS Resources for next week (May 4-8) are ready for pick up in the OGE office. Please continue to drop off completed AMI work and library books in the tubs located...
April 23, 2020
OGE Families: PBS Resources for next week (April 26-May 1) are ready for pick up in the OGE office. Tubs are set up on our car line benches to drop off completed AMI work and li...
April 16, 2020
OGE Families: PBS Resources for the Week of April 20-24 are ready for pick up. Also, beginning on Monday, student belongings can be picked up. Don't forget to take advantage of...
April 9, 2020
OGE Families: A tub has been added to our carline benches for the return of library books. Please put a note in the front cover with the name of the student returning the book. ...
April 9, 2020
Just a reminder: Tomorrow (Friday, April 10) is Good Friday and is a scheduled school holiday. Students are not expected to complete any AMI work for that day. The school offic...
April 8, 2020
Parents: PBS Resources for next week (April 13-17) are ready to be picked up in the OGE office at your convenience.
April 8, 2020
OGE Parents: We now have a plan in place and are ready to begin collecting students' AMI work. Each day (beginning this afternoon) there will be tubs (marked by grade level) pla...
April 3, 2020
OGE Parents: BEGINNING ON MONDAY, APRIL 6TH, PSD will implement a change in our feeding program. We will offer 5 Grab & Go Lunches and 5 Grab & Go Breakfast meals available for ...
April 3, 2020
OGE Parents: Arkansas PBS resources and Eureka Math resources are ready for pick up in the OGE lobby. As each new week of Arkansas PBS materials is released, I will notify you t...
March 31, 2020
Parents, If your child does not have access to the internet and a device such as a computer, laptop or tablet at home to access our district technology for AMI instruction beginn...
March 13, 2020
OGE Families, Please check your student's backpack for reminder notes sent home today regarding how to download the district app and how to access all of the wonderful technology...
March 10, 2020
CORRECTED TIME! The Jr. Class is sponsoring a Prom fundraiser at Huddle House today (March 10th) 5:00pm-8:00pm . During this time, 20% of profits will go to the Jr. Class for P...
March 9, 2020
Tomorrow, March 10th, the Jr. Class is holding a Prom fundraiser at Huddle House (5pm-10pm). During this timeframe, 20% of the profit will go to the Jr. Class for Prom. If you'r...
January 23, 2020
Parents: Just a reminder that Spring After School Tutoring permission forms are due tomorrow